Saturday, January 30, 2010

discerning as well as simple Steps to Get Your Slow Running mechanism operative Faster in not any period

Windows 7 Party Signature Edition  (6) by Shane's Flying Disc Show

How to speed up my computer??  I get this question a lot.  Or some kind of variation like why is my computer slow or how can I speed up my pc?  Well I will tell you what you do not need to do.  And that is spend tons of money upgrading your system or buying a new PC.

You may be able to speed up your computer to it’s brand new out of the box speed.  See what happens is – the older your computer gets, the slower it gets.  Yet it does not have to be that way.

How to speed up my computer?

Raise your hand if you perform regular maintenance on your computer.  Did you think you can expect a blazing fast computer when you do nothing to help maintain your PC speed?  People bring their cars to the mechanic every few months for tune-ups.  So why do you expect anything different from your computer?

But this does not mean you need to bring your computer to the repair shop.  With computers you can simply download software that will speed up your computer performance tremendously.  In fact you can use the same software that computer techs will run on your computer yet charge you hundreds of dollars.

I will break it down in a few steps of what the computer technicians will do to speed up PC speeds:

Run a disk defragmenter (this should be done at least once a month). Remove unneeded and hidden startup programs that are secretly running in the background.  Computer feeling sluggish?  This is usually why.  These hidden programs eat up a ton of RAM Clean up registry problems and fix registry errors – most important!

While there are lots of other speed tweaks you can make.  These are three of the most popular.  Now you can attempt to do these yourself (very hard!) or simply download software used by software techs that completely automates the process with a push of the button.

Stop wondering how to speed up my computer and start doing something about it!  Speed up your computer by scanning the PC for free below.

Why does my computer freeze? I was wondering this question myself not too long ago. I would be using my computer like any other time. When all of a sudden my computer freezes up. I cannot access any programs. My mouse is not moving anywhere. I cannot use control/alt/delete. The only thing you can do is turn off your computer manually which is unsafe for your computer and causes you to lose any information were using at the time.

Anyone who has experienced this knows how big of a pain a computer freeze is. And it is even worse for those who like me had this happening to them on a regular basis. It just seems to come out of nowhere and can be a huge nuisance.

What I learned was that the problems were coming from my Windows registry. The registry is the most important and fragile area of your computer. It contains the information that runs all of your software and hardware. As you install, update, and delete programs the registry becomes filled with unwanted information.

This unwanted information causes two problems. First off it slows down your computer considerably. Like a traffic jam, your computer becomes congested with information and needs to be cleaned out to run fast again. The other problem is windows error messages and your computer freezing up. This useless and corrupted information on the registry counteracts with other programs causing serious problems.

The only way to fix this problem and prevent these kinds of computer freezes is to repair the Windows registry. Because it is such a fragile area it was recommended to use a program to clean up registry errors for me. I did so and my computer stopped freezing almost immediately. Even better it began to run like it was brand new!

If you are interested I have recommended the program I used below to solve this problem for me. With this program you will never have to wonder why does my computer freeze up ever again. Give it a try!


Do not also forget to checked different reviews on the manufactured article; and to serve get honest views approximately a manufactured article, will be the great thought to investigate a little forums or blogs aimed at real and real sentiments.Source:

repair perspective & Windows 7 dark Screen of Death Error (BSOD) with Black shade Fix

Most of us have approach across Windows BSOD (Blue screen of death) barbarous underline of Windows XP & perspective. Windows 7 might be utterly stable and doesn’t crash with BSOD though Microsoft has not completely get rid of BSODs. Windows 7 jerry can also exist influenced by dark Screens of genocide which simply solidify awake a computers forcing users to stare during zero more than the vacant, dim desktop.

fix blue screen of death
To fix dark Screen of Death of Windows 7 Prevx’s David Kennerley has grown the good app “Black Screen Fix” to fix the immeasurable infancy of issues that means dark Screens.
Black Screen repair Pervex

The base cause of a ultimate wave of dark Screens of Death has been identified as a alteration in a Windows Operating Systems close listed of records office keys. information technology appears which the updates released this month by means of Microsoft cause certain records office keys to exist invalidated, a pierce which, cutting-edge its spin generated Black Screen of Death errors.
doubt you are confronting Windows 7 Black shade of Death then transfer dark Screen Fix as well as outing it upon your system. top registry cleaner A reboot is compulsory after you run this application.Source:

Friday, January 29, 2010

repair a Microsoft entrance Runtime blunder Quickly, Safely, & simply

Runtime Error, DBA, 1/24/09 by

Computers have been around for many years. When someone uses a computer and its software, there is a big chance that they do not think about all of the work and lines of code that went into making that computer function the way that it does. Computers cannot operate unless they have something that tells them what to do. This starts with the programmer who uses code to tell the computer what to do when certain criteria meet the requirements for that certain action. If you make a simple program that is about fifty to one hundred lines of code, any programming language might seem to be good for the job. When you make a very complex program that has many layers and classes that are thousands of lines of code each, you need a more powerful and easier language to program in. Java is one of these easier and more powerful languages that can be used for many different programming tasks.

Computer programming goes back over fifty years when computers would take up whole rooms. In 1945, John Von Neumann had an idea that computers could be controlled and manipulated with programs that would be made to run in the system memory (Hayes). Before this idea, computers had to be controlled with wires that would be "patched" between different connectors which would in turn make the computer do certain tasks (Hayes). This could be considered the first kind of programming language. Fortran was one of the first high level programming languages and was developed in 1954 (Hayes). Flow-Matic was a language that was developed in the late 1950's and helped make way for Cabol (Hayes). In 1964, PL/I was developed and it contained elements of Fortran, Cabol, and Algol. Using elements of other languages in one language would be a growing trend for many more languages to come and it has helped programming languages of today to be a lot more powerful (Hayes).

These transitions between languages have led to the Java programming language. Java is a unique language because it can be ran on many different platforms which computer languages before it could only run on one platform. This makes it possible for a program to be made in Linux and then transferred to a Windows machine and ran with no problems. Java, in turn, is a good language to use in making online applications that can be ran between many different platforms since not everyone using the internet have the same operating system. In order for a machine to run a program that was written in Java, all it has to have a java runtime machine.

The Java computer programming language is constantly expanding (Coffee). Java uses many elements of the C++ programming language, but in a way that makes it less complex and easier to use. C++ has been around for many more years than Java and is from the days when programming languages were a lot more complex. C++ was one of the first languages to incorporate object oriented design which helps make programming easier. Java borrows this concept from C++ (Coffee). Java has excluded many parts of the C++ programming language that did not really help programmers because they just lead to programmer error because they are so complex (Coffee). When Java was developed, the designers designed it so that it could compile the code a lot faster than C++. This design has lead to Java code being compiled in about half the time that C++ code is compiled (Coffee).

Recently, a new programming language called C#, which is pronounced C Sharp, was developed, which resembles Java a lot. It has been called "Java with an 'off' switch" (Coffee). This means that programmers can make bad code on purpose if they believe it might help the overall program design in the long run. If this was done with a different programming language such as C++ or C, the whole program would crash and it could be full of errors that would not let the program run that are called bugs (Coffee). With the way C# is made, a programmer is able to make the program not crash when there is an intentional error in the code, so that the program can better operate the way the programmer needs it to operate (Coffee).

Sun Microsystems has recently announced that the source code for Java would be openly available to anyone who wanted it (Lacy). Programmers have been trying to get Sun to release the source code to Java for many years (Lacy). The release of the source to Java to anyone who wanted to download it on the internet is another leap forward for the Java programming language. This will bring the language to the front of the pack once again. This is so important because thousands of programmers can team up together to help make the Java programming language better. They will not have to wait for Sun Microsystems to make an update to Java, but can instead rely on thousands of others who use the programming language everyday and know what needs to be done to the language to make it easier and more powerful (Lacy). This is also a good way for programmers to become interested in using the Java programming language for their needs since they will be able to modify it for themselves (Lacy).

The ability for the Java programming language to change is a big difference between it and other languages like C++. C++ is still the same as it was when it was released for the first time. This could help Java stay around for a lot longer time since it will have the ability to change over time as programmers need it to change (Lacy). Without the open source, Java would eventually get too old for future machines and could not keep up with the changing styles of programming. If Fortran was like Java, it is possible that it could still be in wide use today, but few people still use it as a programming language to make actual programs. Another benefit of Java being open source to thousands of programmers is that now Sun Microsystems will not have to pay over a hundred million dollars a year to engineers to change Java for them. The programmers will do all the work (Lacy).

In conclusion, Java is a very important language to modern programmers. It is a step forward from older programming languages like C++ and C. It has the ability to change over time so it will possibly be around for a long time. With the release of the source of Java from Sun Microsystems, it will continue to change at a rapid rate since many programmers will be able to change the source as they need it to change. Sun Microsystems will also benefit from this release of the source code since they will not have to spend millions to try to update the source themselves. Java has also been the leading programming language to allow programmers to make programs that can be ran on many different machines and platforms without having to change the code and the way the programs are made. This is a great benefit because it allows the Java programming language to be used by a greater number of people since it is so easy for it to be transferred from system to system.

Works Cited

Coffee, Peter. "Java's new lines." eWeek 20.26 (30 June 2003): 70. Academic Search Premier. EBSCO. Liberty University, Lynchburg, VA. 20 August 2007. .

Hayes, Frank. "The Story So Far." Computerworld 36.21 (20 May 2002): 28. Academic Search Premier. EBSCO. Liberty University, Lynchburg, VA. 20 August 2007. . Lacy, Sarah. "Sun: Brew-It-Yourself Java?." Business Week Online (05 July 2006): 18-18. Academic Search Premier. EBSCO.

Liberty University, Lynchburg, VA. 20 August 2007.


doubt the program update doesn't , you might possess issues together with a memory on your mechanism. regulating that caring of complaint might receipts contacting a builder of a memory as well as presumably smooth a maker of your PC.Source:

Fix opinion 0x80042109 Error With Registry Cleaner

Happy Birthday Rosy Outlook by Mike_tn

I recently purchased Microsoft's Outlook mail program and was very happy with my new mail program. It's easy to set up, use and gets rid of lots of that rotten spam we all hate. I'll help you set up your Outlook for a regular POP3 mail account and tell of some great features and parts of the program.

Installing the program is easy, you just put in the disc and after some general questions and inserting the CD key to show you purchased a legal copy of Outlook you just click on the Outlook shortcut that you should have created during setup. Or you can go to your Start menu and find Outlook and click on the link there. When the program opens it will detect that you have no accounts setup and will ask if you want to do that.

First you should go to the update section of the Microsoft's website and update your Office product. This should be done before you do anything with the program. I also recommend you update Windows and do a disc defragment to ensure a properly running system while you're at it. You can see my other article "How to Load New Programs on your computer" for help.

After you update Outlook open it up and you should be taken to a wizard to setup a new account. You can get to the one page fill in form by clicking on Tools, Email Accounts and then following the two step Wizard, the second step asks you what kind of mail account you are setting up and then it goes to the one page where you type in your information. Name, Email address, User Name and Password and settings from your Internet Service Provider or mail account company. You need to have the account already setup with a company to use Outlook, with the address of your account and the two incoming and outgoing mail servers to be able to use the program. Or if you are setting up another kind of account you need to have the information handy from your company with the different settings like the server or mail service provider information.

When you have entered this information you should test the account using the test link to make sure your setup works correctly. It will tell you if it talked with your mail server and that the password and name worked. The program will then go to the default setup of your mail program. On the left side of the page is the folders tree with your inbox, outbox, sent box and such. In the middle is your current open folder and to the side is the current open or highlighted mail that is in the current folder.

I have three E-mail accounts for my family but want to have them all on one page. So I added the accounts and have three in boxes for them all on the same page. This is something that Outlook Express does not let you do. Due to safety concerns, two accounts are for my kids, I want to be able to see what mail is coming into my computer and be able to browse my kids accounts to check for bad stuff. I created two accounts by going to Tools and then Email Accounts and adding the two accounts. Then I created folders for their inboxes by right clicking on the inbox folder and selecting New Folder, naming it and then creating a rule to put my kids mail to that Inbox. This is easy so don't panic.

To create rules for mail go to Tools, then Rules and Alerts and click on New Rule. Use the �Start from a blank rule' option. Highlight �Check messages when they arrive' and click next. Put a check in the box of �through the specified account' and then click lower down the page on the word �specified' that is highlighted. A popup box will appear and you can find the account for that person in the dropdown menu of accounts that you have set up.

If the account you're looking for is not in the drop down box it is not set up correctly. Go to the account setup and make sure you input the account information.

Click Next at the bottom and then put a check mark in the box for �move it to the specified folder' and then click on the word �specified' that is highlighted in the lower portion of the window. A folder tree will pop up and you find the folder that you want to move the mail to that is specified in the previous part of the rule. If the folder is under a higher folder click on the plus mark in front of that folder to show the lower ones. After this click on next, an exception list will come up but you don't need to use any for moving mail from a specific account to a folder. Click on next and it will ask you to name your rule, name it something appropriate and click next, your done. Any mail that is for that account will automatically be put into the folder that rule was created under.

This is a handy way to keep tabs on kids email accounts but give them their own email to use. You can send email using these different accounts by just clicking on the Accounts drop down menu on your new mail message and choosing which account you want to show up as the one sending the email.

To import address books and even folders from Outlook Express or another mail program use the Import function. Click on File and then Import and Export. A popup window appears and you highlight the function and program type you want to import or export from or to. To import address books from Outlook express you Import Mail and Addresses and follow the couple of quick questions. I suggest to duplicate any folder so you make sure you get all your mail and folders and then sort them out when the program is done importing them. If you overwrite the folders you may delete things. You will also import addresses from your old address book using this tool, just make sure in the wizard the check box for addresses is checked.

I suggest using the Junk Email folder and settings for it on high. I have had no mail that I wanted caught in the Junk folder in three weeks that I have been using this program. I get a lot of junk and it catches most of it, but not all. I still get the occasional spam in my inbox but it works so much better than Outlook Express. To setup your Junk Mail settings click on Actions then hover your pointer over Junk Email and click on Junk Email Options. Click on the filtering you want and specify whether you want links to be useable in your junk mail. I recommend not allowing links useable, this way your not tempted to try links that may lead to questionable material for young people and you will not use links that could steal private and account information such as phishing emails do.

When using the mail and when you find stuff you want to flag as junk just right click the mail if you viewing it in your inbox or go to Actions if the mail is open and click on the appropriate thing you want to do with the Junk Email. You can add sender or domain to blocked or safe lists to further prevent or allow mail from that email address or domain name. The domain is the stuff after the "@" in an address "".

I have rarely created rules using this mail program but it is pretty easy to do. Just use the rules creation under the Tools to block or allow certain people, type of messages or particular words in emails that stand out. I use emails that are missed by the Junk part of this program and certain words that keep appearing in those messages to block them. For some reason ones like these emails for stock tips keep getting missed but certain phrases like "stock quotes" appear often in them so I just block any emails that say "stock quotes" by setting up a rule for that.

Outlook is a very nice Email program and is easy to set up and use. You will want to regularly check the program for updates and could even setup the Automatic Updates on your computer to ensure the program gets updates to block junk mail and spam, phishing and other things like this. This is the main reason I wanted Outlook, the better control and protection for my Emails and blocking the things I don't want.


Thursday, January 28, 2010

Runtime blunder - How to invalidate Them Through Your Internet Explorer

Flickr Uploader Error by travelcedric

It is not clear what goal you are executing but the error looks self explaining: you need to add a SCM element:

<project xmlns=""

Are you wondering how to speed up a slow computer? Are you also one of those people who get the "Runtime error 424: object required vba"? Getting this error means that you have not opened the windows dialog box because of some trouble within the registry and this problem slows your computer as you struggle to fix it.

This usually occurs when you have clicked on the browse button and you were attempting to pull up event files or databases.

The solution to this problem is to make sure that the main dialog control, which is comdig32.ocx, is registered accurately.

The registry is an integral part of the computer because it records all activity, from applications, programs, and games. It keeps track of all data that is added and removed from the hardware. It also stores this data and sorts them out in an organized fashion so that the computer runs smoothly and at its regular pace and is responsible for this error.

The first step to try to resolve this runtime error is to troubleshoot it yourself initially. Find out first if the problem is in the registry or the program. Rebooting is a common but most basic step. Sometimes doing this will resolve it.

If it does not work then you want to determine if the problem is occurring in several programs or on only one.

If the first step is unsuccessful try researching for solutions online. There are a lot of sites that post how to guides in attempts to help us find practical ways to fix errors such as these so that we can save time and money and will not have to send our hardware to a technician to find a solution to how to speed up a computer.

Usually this error is down to missing file associated with one program and it is a matter of narrowing it down. There is an easy way of fixing this quickly though.

Looking for a good quality registry cleaner is the best solution before giving up on trying to fix this runtime error yourself.

A registry cleaner effectively searches for any program or software that you have installed that might have caused your computer to hang or get the error. Once it finds the culprit, the registry cleaner removes the error or fixes it, whether it be due to a large file or a corrupted program that you have downloaded or a missing registry entry. The registry cleaner has been proven to fix many issues, including the runtime error 424.

Once your computer is up and running again update your computer with latest application updates from windows and the software manufacturer. Doing this will certainly help us avoid issues like the runtime error 424 and stop you looking for an answer for hoe to speed up a computer when a registry cleaner will do it for you in seconds.

If a software update doesn't , we might possess issues together with the mental recall upon your mechanism. regulating which kind of complaint may take contacting the builder of the mental recall as well as presumably smooth a maker of your Personal Computer.Source:

in what way to Use a records office Cleaner to repair Your PC Quickly doubt Your Windows Computer Runs slow

Microsoft Windows Vista Wallpaper by Brajeshwar

Computers have been around for many years. When someone uses a computer and its software, there is a big chance that they do not think about all of the work and lines of code that went into making that computer function the way that it does. Computers cannot operate unless they have something that tells them what to do. This starts with the programmer who uses code to tell the computer what to do when certain criteria meet the requirements for that certain action. If you make a simple program that is about fifty to one hundred lines of code, any programming language might seem to be good for the job. When you make a very complex program that has many layers and classes that are thousands of lines of code each, you need a more powerful and easier language to program in. Java is one of these easier and more powerful languages that can be used for many different programming tasks.

Computer programming goes back over fifty years when computers would take up whole rooms. In 1945, John Von Neumann had an idea that computers could be controlled and manipulated with programs that would be made to run in the system memory (Hayes). Before this idea, computers had to be controlled with wires that would be "patched" between different connectors which would in turn make the computer do certain tasks (Hayes). This could be considered the first kind of programming language. Fortran was one of the first high level programming languages and was developed in 1954 (Hayes). Flow-Matic was a language that was developed in the late 1950's and helped make way for Cabol (Hayes). In 1964, PL/I was developed and it contained elements of Fortran, Cabol, and Algol. Using elements of other languages in one language would be a growing trend for many more languages to come and it has helped programming languages of today to be a lot more powerful (Hayes).

These transitions between languages have led to the Java programming language. Java is a unique language because it can be ran on many different platforms which computer languages before it could only run on one platform. This makes it possible for a program to be made in Linux and then transferred to a Windows machine and ran with no problems. Java, in turn, is a good language to use in making online applications that can be ran between many different platforms since not everyone using the internet have the same operating system. In order for a machine to run a program that was written in Java, all it has to have a java runtime machine.

The Java computer programming language is constantly expanding (Coffee). Java uses many elements of the C++ programming language, but in a way that makes it less complex and easier to use. C++ has been around for many more years than Java and is from the days when programming languages were a lot more complex. C++ was one of the first languages to incorporate object oriented design which helps make programming easier. Java borrows this concept from C++ (Coffee). Java has excluded many parts of the C++ programming language that did not really help programmers because they just lead to programmer error because they are so complex (Coffee). When Java was developed, the designers designed it so that it could compile the code a lot faster than C++. This design has lead to Java code being compiled in about half the time that C++ code is compiled (Coffee).

Recently, a new programming language called C#, which is pronounced C Sharp, was developed, which resembles Java a lot. It has been called "Java with an 'off' switch" (Coffee). This means that programmers can make bad code on purpose if they believe it might help the overall program design in the long run. If this was done with a different programming language such as C++ or C, the whole program would crash and it could be full of errors that would not let the program run that are called bugs (Coffee). With the way C# is made, a programmer is able to make the program not crash when there is an intentional error in the code, so that the program can better operate the way the programmer needs it to operate (Coffee).

Sun Microsystems has recently announced that the source code for Java would be openly available to anyone who wanted it (Lacy). Programmers have been trying to get Sun to release the source code to Java for many years (Lacy). The release of the source to Java to anyone who wanted to download it on the internet is another leap forward for the Java programming language. This will bring the language to the front of the pack once again. This is so important because thousands of programmers can team up together to help make the Java programming language better. They will not have to wait for Sun Microsystems to make an update to Java, but can instead rely on thousands of others who use the programming language everyday and know what needs to be done to the language to make it easier and more powerful (Lacy). This is also a good way for programmers to become interested in using the Java programming language for their needs since they will be able to modify it for themselves (Lacy).

The ability for the Java programming language to change is a big difference between it and other languages like C++. C++ is still the same as it was when it was released for the first time. This could help Java stay around for a lot longer time since it will have the ability to change over time as programmers need it to change (Lacy). Without the open source, Java would eventually get too old for future machines and could not keep up with the changing styles of programming. If Fortran was like Java, it is possible that it could still be in wide use today, but few people still use it as a programming language to make actual programs. Another benefit of Java being open source to thousands of programmers is that now Sun Microsystems will not have to pay over a hundred million dollars a year to engineers to change Java for them. The programmers will do all the work (Lacy).

In conclusion, Java is a very important language to modern programmers. It is a step forward from older programming languages like C++ and C. It has the ability to change over time so it will possibly be around for a long time. With the release of the source of Java from Sun Microsystems, it will continue to change at a rapid rate since many programmers will be able to change the source as they need it to change. Sun Microsystems will also benefit from this release of the source code since they will not have to spend millions to try to update the source themselves. Java has also been the leading programming language to allow programmers to make programs that can be ran on many different machines and platforms without having to change the code and the way the programs are made. This is a great benefit because it allows the Java programming language to be used by a greater number of people since it is so easy for it to be transferred from system to system.

Works Cited

Coffee, Peter. "Java's new lines." eWeek 20.26 (30 June 2003): 70. Academic Search Premier. EBSCO. Liberty University, Lynchburg, VA. 20 August 2007. .

Hayes, Frank. "The Story So Far." Computerworld 36.21 (20 May 2002): 28. Academic Search Premier. EBSCO. Liberty University, Lynchburg, VA. 20 August 2007. . Lacy, Sarah. "Sun: Brew-It-Yourself Java?." Business Week Online (05 July 2006): 18-18. Academic Search Premier. EBSCO.

Liberty University, Lynchburg, VA. 20 August 2007.


Errors as well as corrupt files in your registry concede the integrity of your system. disaster to how to fix runtime errors formula in system freezes and complement crashes, rendering your Personal Computer worthless. Save yourself the income and a be concerned of removing the brand new mechanism by means of you do the records office cleanup today.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Registry Optimizer - a Best apparatus For Making Your Computer Error giveaway

A Windows XP Moment... by Dilip Muralidaran

I created an account and I'm trying to download the endless trial but everytime I enter my account and password and it attempts to patch up it gives me an error message saying: "A network communication error has occurred. Check your network connection. Please contact customer support for assistance if this problem persists." I checked my network connection and its perfectly fine. I'm on a laptop using Windows XP. Can somebody tell me what I'm doing wrong?
My Tomcat installer file says version 6.0.20. I do not have a version.bat
My java version is

On Mon, Jan 25, 2010 at 2:47 PM, Andr� Warnier <> wrote:

> Richard Cooke wrote:
>> Thanks for your response. Unfortunately this did not help.
>> I did not install Tomcat with the 'native' checkbox ticked and do not have
>> tcnative.dll in my Tomcat directory. I also have the latest version of
>> the
>> JVM installed.
> Unfortunately then I am out of my depth, and we will have to wait for
> someone who really knows what he is talking about.
> But the information above is helpful.
> To insure that you get the quickest response from now on, it would be a
> good idea to specify exactly which version of Tomcat and which version of
> JVM you are using.
> In the Tomcat bin directory, there should normally be a "version.bat" file,
> which when executed diplays useful information.
> (But it is only available in the zip version of the Tomcat download).
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> For additional commands, e-mail:

Richard Cooke.
Saratoga Software.
021 658 4109.

we should also perform preventive measures to avoid you do the . Cleaning your computer mind help we in preventing your computer from further damage.Source:

Sunday, January 24, 2010

doubt You Suffer as of Slow Computer Performance Here is in what way You Can Fix information technology cutting-edge mins

Microsoft Windows Vista Wallpaper by Brajeshwar

It is never easy choosing a good registry cleaner for your personal computer. Making things more complicated is that a lot of people do not even know what a registry is and why one needs to clean it! Read on and this should provide you with most of the information on why you need a registry cleaner and how to choose a good one.

What you need to know about the registry:

The registry is a database where settings and options for the 32 bit versions of various Windows operating systems are stored. It serves as a catalog of your Windows PC. Without it, or if it is corrupted, Windows will not run.

The registry accumulates useless data and information through computer usage. This may lead to registry errors which may result to slow speed, freezing, and other problems. Left uncorrected, the PC could eventually crash.

Ignoring these problems would not eliminate them. It is the computer registry calling for help and what you need to do is get yourself a good registry cleaner.

Basic features of a good registry cleaner:

1. Free scan

This enables you to scan your pc for free using the product before buying it. This feature scans the registry for errors and helps you decide to purchase the product or not. It is more like a taste-test for you to sample. A good registry cleaner usually provides a free scan for users to familiarize with the software before deciding whether to purchase it.

2. Backup

The product you want is one that will either prompt you to backup your registry or auto-backup before making changes to the registry. Corruption or damage to the registry can be irreversible and it is always wise to have a backup. Your best bet is one that has an auto-backup feature.

What is auto-backup?

Auto-backup is simply a hands-free feature that creates a copy of the registry items before changes in the registry itself are made. A back-up file is created automatically upon running the cleaning software. The file can then be used to restore the registry to its original state prior to the changes in cases where system problems arise. This is a must-have feature for a good registry cleaner.

3. Automatic or manually repair

This feature allows you to perform an automatic or manual repair of items that are detected during a registry scan. With a certain level of technical skill and understanding of how a PC works, some people can perform manual review and repair in the registry. For the uninitiated however, the automatic repair is a feature that a registry cleaner shouldn't be without.

4. Technical support

Sometimes it is the cleaning software itself having a problem or you yourself needing assistance on how to use the product. In this case, you can contact Technical Support or Customer Support to help you with the product. If this does not come with the product, you are on your own to fix the problem.

5. A full refund guarantee

Nothing is perfect. Dissatisfaction with something you bought sometimes happen and you just want to return the product and get your money back. The length of time that will allow you to return a product at full refund should influence your decision on which product to purchase. Assuming all things being equal between two products, choose the one with the longer guarantee.

The internet provides you with access to product reviews for different registry cleaners. Make an assessment of each product vis-à-vis the above-listed features. There are a lot of good registry cleaners out there. The important thing is picking the right one that is not only user-friendly but also able to sweep your entire bad registry off from your computer.

perform not additionally dont think about to check opposite reviews upon the product; and to further get honest views about a product, registry cleaner which to choose will be the great thought to investigate a little forums or blogs for genuine and real sentiments.

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Friday, January 22, 2010

How to Solve Windows 7 Unbootable pole MFT error

Runtime Error, DBA, 1/24/09 by

Sharing ideas with others. The documents may contain basic information you already know. The documents are shared, also keeping in mind the people who don't know. Also, the documents might be useful to those who think they know bu (More...)

Although simple data parallelism allows us to easily parallelize many of our iteration statements, there are cases that it does not handle well.  In my previous discussion, I focused on data parallelism with no shared state, and where every element is being processed exactly the same.

Unfortunately, there are many common cases where this does not happen.  If we are dealing with a loop that requires early termination, extra care is required when parallelizing.

Often, while processing in a loop, once a certain condition is met, it is no longer necessary to continue processing.  This may be a matter of finding a specific element within the collection, or reaching some error case.  The important distinction here is that, it is often impossible to know until runtime, what set of elements needs to be processed.

In my initial discussion of data parallelism, I mentioned that this technique is a candidate when you can decompose the problem based on the data involved, and you wish to apply a single operation concurrently on all of the elements of a collection.  This covers many of the potential cases, but sometimes, after processing some of the elements, we need to stop processing.

As an example, lets go back to our previous Parallel.ForEach example with contacting a customer.  However, this time, we’ll change the requirements slightly.  In this case, we’ll add an extra condition – if the store is unable to email the customer, we will exit gracefully.  The thinking here, of course, is that if the store is currently unable to email, the next time this operation runs, it will handle the same situation, so we can just skip our processing entirely.  The original, serial case, with this extra condition, might look something like the following:

foreach(var customer in customers)
// Run some process that takes some time...
DateTime lastContact = theStore.GetLastContact(customer);
TimeSpan timeSinceContact = DateTime.Now - lastContact;

// If it's been more than two weeks, send an email, and update...
if (timeSinceContact.Days > 14)
// Exit gracefully if we fail to email, since this
// entire process can be repeated later without issue.
if (theStore.EmailCustomer(customer) == false)
customer.LastEmailContact = DateTime.Now;

Here, we’re processing our loop, but at any point, if we fail to send our email successfully, we just abandon this process, and assume that it will get handled correctly the next time our routine is run.  If we try to parallelize this using Parallel.ForEach, as we did previously, we’ll run into an error almost immediately: the break statement we’re using is only valid when enclosed within an iteration statement, such as foreach.  When we switch to Parallel.ForEach, we’re no longer within an iteration statement – we’re a delegate running in a method.

This needs to be handled slightly differently when parallelized.  Instead of using the break statement, we need to utilize a new class in the Task Parallel Library: ParallelLoopState.  The ParallelLoopState class is intended to allow concurrently running loop bodies a way to interact with each other, and provides us with a way to break out of a loop.  In order to use this, we will use a different overload of Parallel.ForEach which takes an IEnumerable<T> and an Action<T, ParallelLoopState> instead of an Action<T>.  Using this, we can parallelize the above operation by doing:

Parallel.ForEach(customers, (customer, parallelLoopState) =>
// Run some process that takes some time...
DateTime lastContact = theStore.GetLastContact(customer);
TimeSpan timeSinceContact = DateTime.Now - lastContact;

// If it's been more than two weeks, send an email, and update...
if (timeSinceContact.Days > 14)
// Exit gracefully if we fail to email, since this
// entire process can be repeated later without issue.
if (theStore.EmailCustomer(customer) == false)
customer.LastEmailContact = DateTime.Now;

There are a couple of important points here.  First, we didn’t actually instantiate the ParallelLoopState instance.  It was provided directly to us via the Parallel class.  All we needed to do was change our lambda expression to reflect that we want to use the loop state, and the Parallel class creates an instance for our use.  We also needed to change our logic slightly when we call Break().  Since Break() doesn’t stop the program flow within our block, we needed to add an else case to only set the property in customer when we succeeded.  This same technique can be used to break out of a Parallel.For loop.

That being said, there is a huge difference between using ParallelLoopState to cause early termination and to use break in a standard iteration statement.  When dealing with a loop serially, break will immediately terminate the processing within the closest enclosing loop statement.  Calling ParallelLoopState.Break(), however, has a very different behavior.

The issue is that, now, we’re no longer processing one element at a time.  If we break in one of our threads, there are other threads that will likely still be executing.  This leads to an important observation about termination of parallel code:

Early termination in parallel routines is not immediate.  Code will continue to run after you request a termination.

This may seem problematic at first, but it is something you just need to keep in mind while designing your routine.  ParallelLoopState.Break() should be thought of as a request.  We are telling the runtime that no elements that were in the collection past the element we’re currently processing need to be processed, and leaving it up to the runtime to decide how to handle this as gracefully as possible.  Although this may seem problematic at first, it is a good thing.  If the runtime tried to immediately stop processing, many of our elements would be partially processed.  It would be like putting a return statement in a random location throughout our loop body – which could have horrific consequences to our code’s maintainability.

In order to understand and effectively write parallel routines, we, as developers, need a subtle, but profound shift in our thinking.  We can no longer think in terms of sequential processes, but rather need to think in terms of requests to the system that may be handled differently than we’d first expect.  This is more natural to developers who have dealt with asynchronous models previously, but is an important distinction when moving to concurrent programming models.

As an example, I’ll discuss the Break() method.  ParallelLoopState.Break() functions in a way that may be unexpected at first.  When you call Break() from a loop body, the runtime will continue to process all elements of the collection that were found prior to the element that was being processed when the Break() method was called.  This is done to keep the behavior of the Break() method as close to the behavior of the break statement as possible. We can see the behavior in this simple code:

var collection = Enumerable.Range(0, 20);
var pResult = Parallel.ForEach(collection, (element, state) =>
if (element > 10)
Console.WriteLine("Breaking on {0}", element);

If we run this, we get a result that may seem unexpected at first:

Breaking on 11
Breaking on 12
Breaking on 13
Breaking on 15

What is occurring here is that we loop until we find the first element where the element is greater than 10.  In this case, this was found, the first time, when one of our threads reached element 11.  It requested that the loop stop by calling Break() at this point.  However, the loop continued processing until all of the elements less than 11 were completed, then terminated.  This means that it will guarantee that elements 9, 7, and 8 are completed before it stops processing.  You can see our other threads that were running each tried to break as well, but since Break() was called on the element with a value of 11, it decides which elements (0-10) must be processed.

If this behavior is not desirable, there is another option.  Instead of calling ParallelLoopState.Break(), you can call ParallelLoopState.Stop().  The Stop() method requests that the runtime terminate as soon as possible , without guaranteeing that any other elements are processed.  Stop() will not stop the processing within an element, so elements already being processed will continue to be processed.  It will prevent new elements, even ones found earlier in the collection, from being processed.  Also, when Stop() is called, the ParallelLoopState’s IsStopped property will return true.  This lets longer running processes poll for this value, and return after performing any necessary cleanup.

The basic rule of thumb for choosing between Break() and Stop() is the following.

  • Use ParallelLoopState.Stop() when possible, since it terminates more quickly.  This is particularly useful in situations where you are searching for an element or a condition in the collection.  Once you’ve found it, you do not need to do any other processing, so Stop() is more appropriate.

  • Use ParallelLoopState.Break() if you need to more closely match the behavior of the C# break statement.

Both methods behave differently than our C# break statement.  Unfortunately, when parallelizing a routine, more thought and care needs to be put into every aspect of your routine than you may otherwise expect.  This is due to my second observation:

Parallelizing a routine will almost always change its behavior.

This sounds crazy at first, but it’s a concept that’s so simple its easy to forget.  We’re purposely telling the system to process more than one thing at the same time, which means that the sequence in which things get processed is no longer deterministic.  It is easy to change the behavior of your routine in very subtle ways by introducing parallelism.  Often, the changes are not avoidable, even if they don’t have any adverse side effects.  This leads to my final observation for this post:

Parallelization is something that should be handled with care and forethought, added by design, and not just introduced casually.


Thursday, January 21, 2010

Runtime Error - in what way to repair Runtime Errors the discerning as well as simple approach

Runtime by Sven Cipido


Sub Mandays()

Dim DatProjektMid As Date

Dim iRow As Integer


DatProjektMid = Range("X" & iRow).Value


End Sub

versucht einen wert anzunehmen als datum. aber du gibst ihm nichts zur�ck.

versuch es so:

Sub Mandays()

Dim DatProjektMid As Date

Dim iRow As Integer


if Range("X" & iRow).Value ="" then exit sub

DatProjektMid = Range("X" & iRow).Value


End Sub

damit �berspringst du allerdings nur die fehlermeldung...ich wei� ejtzt nciht wie dein code weiterl�uft.

Gru� kj

PS: R�ckmeldung erbeten!


Chuck Norris liest keine B�cher, er starrt sie so lange an, bis die B�cher freiwillig alles erz�hlen.

runtime error

    Summary: when I tried my web database on my localhost -->It's ok. But I have got "Runtime Error" when I uploaded the folder to Web Hosting. How can I solve this problem. Thank for helping me ...

runtime error
    Summary: When I am surfing the web i always get an error message of runtime error, when i click the back or the forward button on the toolbar the runtime error message will appeared can anyone help me to slove...

c++ runtime errors: missing dll??
    Summary: I have compiled a program using very old code in Visual C++ (I had to update one line in a header file) and am now getting runtime errors when I open a certain part of the application. The main progra...


Wednesday, January 20, 2010

repair Outlook 0x80042109 Error together with Registry Cleaner

rosy outlook. by sfgirlbybay

Zimbra Server Version: X-Mailer: Zimbra 6.0.3_GA_1915.UBUNTU8 (ZimbraWebClient - SAF3 (Linux)/6.0.3_GA_1915.UBUNTU8)

Clients: Outlook 2003 SP3, Windows XP Pro (fully patched).

Zimbra Outlook Connector Version: ZimbraOlkConnector-6.0.3_GA_1912_6.0.5737.3

On a fresh Outlook 2003 SP3 (and also with no prior profile), I install the Zimbra Outlook Connector version indicated above. The installation appears to run through normally. Once the install is complete, I am instructed by the installer to startup Outlook. I startup Outlook and immediately get the error as indicated in the attachment. The error is associated with LSLIB32.DLL (see attachment image).

I close that message, startup Outlook again, get asked to start in Safe Mode and I click No and then I continue into Outlook. Once in Outlook, the Zimbra connector seems to work ok as far as sending and receiving email, etc.

***So far I have installed the connector on the first 12 machines in our Windows 2003 network (XP clients) and ALL get this error message. In fact, even in my test VM environments (again XP), I get this error message. What is particularly interesting is the clients have Admin rights when I do the installs of the connector and this error happens for users on the network and also for test systems that are both on and off the network.***

Even though most things are working well, I am very concerned that everything could stop working in the future. I do not know how serious the LSLIB32.DLL file failure on installation is to Outlook and/or Zimbra. Can somebody explain that to me? Is my whole implementation going to fail and come crashing down in the near future because of this issue?

I tried the thread below which is same my issue that I have been experiencing…_23021639.html

From the client PC that has this issue I can ping the server ( , but I can not ping the name of the server (telserver) and I cannot use name either when I try remotely to RDP to the server and I can browse the internet.

From other PCs (I tried two of the) I can ping server name and ip address of the server and I can use the server name as well when I try remotely to RDP to the server.

The funny thing when I create (testing purpose) the profile for this client on a different PC (PCs that are belong to his colleagues at work) outlook works like charm


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How To Fix MS Outlook Jam With Outlook Express

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NEW YORK — Stocks that moved substantially or traded heavily Thursday on the New York Stock Exchange and Nasdaq Stock Market:


Wells Fargo & Co., up $1.91 at $20.09

Shares gained for a second day on the bank's growing market share and mortgage loan income, which boosted quarterly profit. Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc., down $2.80 at $32.39

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Conferencing Add-In for Outlook: “An error occurred while executing this command”

I experienced this error recently and spent an eternity trying to resolve it.  I finally found the solution to my problem and wanted to document it for others.

For me, the issue only appeared when I tried to invite people to a scheduled meeting.  Under normal circumstances, blank (no invitees) scheduled meetings worked fine.  Ad-hoc meetings worked fine.  Some invitees worked, but others did not.  When an invitee caused the issue to appear, this message would be displayed either when I saved/sent the meeting, or tried to set an invitee as a meeting leader.

It turned out to be caused by the format of the invitee information.  Typically, on an Exchange-based email network, your global address book contains all the people within your company.  Sometimes, emails will get sent around that results in employee names being displayed something like My Name <> instead of just My Name.  These entries can get cached in a frequent recipient list that will pop down when entering addressees.

Well, it turns out this format causes the Conferencing Add-In to barf.  When entering recipients into a LiveMeeting request, entries in this format (as opposed to the usual Exchange My Name format) will cause something somewhere to fail, resulting in this message.  Keep in mind that the name will look correct in the To: field, even though “behind the scenes” it’s actually the lengthy format above.

To resolve, either select a user from the Global Address Book when entering attendees or remove the entry for the cached list by hitting Ctrl-Delete while the name is highlighted in the list.  Then enter a name, force a lookup on the user (“Check Names”), and all should be well.

posted on Monday, August 03, 2009 12:18 PM Print

Source:fix outlook error


Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Fix opinion 0x80042109 Error With Registry Cleaner

Microsoft Office Outlook by valentin.d

Setting up your computer to send and receive e-mail through Microsoft's Outlook Express provides you with an easy way of managing your appointments and electronic correspondences. Yet, like with other systems, errors can also occur with this mail-client software. One of these errors is the Outlook 0x800ccc79 error.

The Outlook 0x800ccc79 error is a problem that is typically associated with sending and receiving e-mails from a server.

The error could have been caused by issues in the configuration of your Outlook Express or authentication issues with the server.

Most Outlook 0x800ccc79 error results when the e-mail client is configured to use SLL (Secure Sockets Layer) protocol when transmitting electronic messages over the Internet. You can resolve this issue by changing your Outlook Express settings to bypass the SLL.

To do this, launch Outlook Express and click on "Tools". Click "Accounts" on the resulting drop down menu, and then select the appropriate account. Click on "Properties" and then "Advanced Settings". Uncheck the boxes next to the line that says ""This server requires a secure connection", both for outgoing (SMTP) and incoming (POP3) mail. Click on the "Save" button and close the window. You should be able to receive and send e-mails the next time you reload your Outlook Express.

Sometimes, the Outlook 0x800ccc79 error allows you to receive mail but not send it out. This may occur if your e-mail service provider asks you to log on to the SMTP server for you to send out new mail. You can resolve this issue by providing a username and password that is automatically authenticated by the SMTP server when you launch Outlook Express.

Do this by clicking on "Extras". Click on "Accounts", and then select the appropriate account for your e-mail. Click on "Properties", then "Server" on the new window. Locate the Outgoing Mail Server area and check the box next to the line that says "My server requires authentication". Click on the "Save" button and close the window. Type in your username and password in the right fields when prompted. This will then be sent to the SMTP server and you'll be able to send mail without the Outlook 0x800ccc79 error.

However, if the Outlook 0x800ccc79 error still persists after carrying out the above procedures, then you might want to try to resolve it with a registry cleaner. The issue may be caused by missing, obsolete, or corrupt registry entries from failed installations, partial uninstallations, and disabled drivers or spyware. A registry cleaner is a utility software that scans and analyzes your computer registry for missing or corrupted files and restores them.

There are various registry cleaners available on the Internet. Some registry cleaners are open source software, though most commercial titles also offer a free trial run of their product. Choose one that has received good reviews and fits well with your system.

Once downloaded, conduct a complete system scan to spot any issues that may be causing the Outlook 0x800ccc79 error. The scan my take anywhere between a few minutes to twenty minutes, depending on how many files you have on your computer. During the scan, your registry cleaner should be able to identify the error and automatically resolve it.

Aside from resolving the Outlook 0x800ccc79 error, a registry cleaner also fine tunes your computer and enhances its performance. You have not just gotten rid yourself of an exasperating computer error, but you've also gotten a computer that runs like the first time that you bought it.

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Sunday, January 17, 2010

How To Solve Error "Outlook Can't discovery PST" in MS Outlook

rosy outlook. by sfgirlbybay

Error 0×80040154 isn’t as obscure or as difficult to repair as its name might suggest.  Usually, this error signifies one of two problems.

Error 0×80040154

Sometimes, this just represents a problem that your computer may have connecting to Microsoft Outlook Express.  In such a case, it will probably show up as a send and receive error.

One of the most frustrating things about error 0×80040154 in relation to Outlook is its lack of documentation by Microsoft.  Its information about this error pertains almost entirely to other applications.

Fortunately, for you and other users with this same problem, it is relatively easy to fix.  Running a “Detect and Repair” on Outlook will often fix the problem.  If it doesn’t, go ahead and reinstall Microsoft Outlook.  This will take care of the situation nine times out of ten.

The “0×80040154 (Class Not Registered)” Error

This can happen when you install an ATL server for use with Visual Studio.  It could be that this error pops up after an update for Visual Studio.

If you use Visual Studio 6.0, make sure your computer uses the runtime ATL.dll for this process, instead of the later-edition Visual Studio .NET version.

If you’re not sure how to do this, it’s best to find a tool that can help.  If you attempt to change this on your own and switch the wrong files, you may permanently damage your Visual Studio and/or your Windows operating system.

Repair 0×80040154 and the Other Problems it May Have Caused

One problem with this and any other computer error is that without the right kind of computer maintenance, the error’s repercussions may affect your windows operating system long after you have fixed the problem.

It is very possible this error has altered the Windows registry–and not for the better.  Since the registry makes note of all your files’ and programs’ interrelationships and uses them for future reference, an error today can keep Microsoft Windows in error for many months to come.  Repair Error 0×80040154 with a free registry scan.

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Microsoft Outlook is a personal information management utility provided by Microsoft. Outlook can be installed in either of the two configurations: IMO (Internet Mail Only) mode or CW (Corporate Workgroup) mode. MS Outlook uses PST (Personal Storage Table) file as its message store for all e-mail items, notes, calendar items, journals and other Outlook objects. As Outlook works more like an email client. So PST corruption causes data loss. In order to correct the issue, we need PST Recovery solution.

Corrupt PST fails to be loaded, makes Outlook slow or returns some sorts of error messages while attempting to be used or accessed. In several cases, Outlook even fails to detect and find a damaged PST with the following error message:

“The file drive:path:file name.pst could not be found.”

Note: Other than PST corruption, this error message may also generate if PST is located on a server and the server is unavailable at the time PST is attempted to be accessed. Thus before looking for any PST Recovery solution, we need to check the availability of network server if PST is located there.

Outlook can’t open a damaged PST and we need to Recover PST

1. If PST contents are not important, we can simply create a new personal folder and rename the corrupt.

2. We can use Inbox Repair Tool to correct file corruption. scanpst.exe is located at this location:

%PROGRAMFILES%Common FilesSystemMSMAPI1033

Outlook Inbox Repair Tool fails in situations when the corruption cause is external, for e.g. virus attack or network issues. In such cases, we need PST file recovery using third party applications that scan, recover and restore damaged PST using scanning algorithms.

PST File Recovery applications are available in market for different Outlook versions. These software analyze the damaged PST and recover it. Due to the interactive interface they have, the PST Recovery Tool can easily be used. Also the recover procedure is safe. Users can use the applications to Repair PST in any case of corruption, be it external or internal.

Stellar Phoenix Outlook PST Repair is the most advanced and powerful application to Recover PST files. It supports Microsoft Outlook 2007, 2003, 2002 (XP) and 2000. . This PST Recovery Software use efficient scanning algorithms to recover lost PST file. It has an interactive interface plus safe and valuable data restoration features. Phoenix Outlook PST Repair supports Windows Vista, 2003, XP and 2000. The application can also split PST and recover lost PST password.


i re-installed my PC from scratch and just had it running. I checked my email using my email clients microsoft outlook 2003 SP3 and it seems to be working good except when I sent email, every time I sent an email in the subject it has always this error [unknown language 100%]

does anybody have any idea what's causing this? I also installed an antivirus Gdata 2010 the newest one.


Wednesday, January 13, 2010

struggling opposite windows bsod? in what way to fix blue shade of death on Windows XP a easy approach

Microsoft Windows Vista Wallpaper by Brajeshwar

There's a glitch in Ubuntu 8.10 that does not let you run Windows XP as a guest user under KVM. During the Windows installation, the guest user will need to restart the computer. After restarting, an error message will appear that says a disk read error occurred. This tutorial will show you how to install Windows XP as a KVM guest user on Ubuntu 8.10.

1. Open the terminal by clicking on the Applications button located at the top of the screen. After that, you will need to click Accessories and then Terminal in the dropdown menu that appears.

2. Once the terminal is open, enter the following command to install virt-manager and virt-viewer:

sudo apt-get install virt-manager virt-viewer

3. Next, create an ISO from the Windows XP CD. To do this, simply insert the Windows XP CD into your CD drive and enter the following command to create an ISO file:

sudo dd if=/dev/cdrom of=/home/winxp.iso

4. Now, create a storage image file for the guest user. Enter the following command into the terminal:

dd if=/dev/zero of=/home/administrator/nameofimage.img bs=1024k count=12000

5. Run KVM to create the Windows XP guest. After the installation, you will need to abort and use virt-manager to complete the installation. Enter the following command into the terminal:

kvm -m 512 -cdrom /home/winxp.iso -boot d /home/administrator/nameofimage.img

A QEMU menu should appear showing a Windows XP installer

6. Select the hard drive you want to use for the installation. Select Format the partition using the NTFS file system. After the formatting, close the QEMU window to terminate the installation.

7. Use Virt-Manager to complete the installation. To do this, click the Applications button located near the top of the window. After that, click System Tools and then Virtual Machine Manager. This will open Virt-Manager.

8. Connect to localhost once Virt-Manager opens. Mark it and click the New button. When the wizard opens, click on Forward. You will need to create a name for the virtual machine.

9. Select the option for Full Virtualized with x86_54b and kvm. When asked for storage space, select Simple File and enter the path to the image you created. Specify the amount of memory allocated for the Windows XP guest. Click Finish to start the installation.

10. Follow the on-screen-instructions until you are asked for partitioning information. Simply select the partition you formatted earlier. Select the option named Leave the current file system intact (no changes). Files will be copied and your computer will reboot.

11. After the reboot, go to View and then Details. Click the Hardware tab and select Disk hdc. Click Connect.

13. Select ISO Image Location and enter the path leading to the Windows XP ISO image.

14. Close the window and click the Run button to start the guest. The Windows XP installation should continue. Follow the on-screen instructions. After doing this, you should have successfully installed your Windows XP guest.

Coming From: how to fix rundll32 error

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

doubt Your mechanism Runs Slow – You May essential a Windows Registry scan

Kittens vs. Mac by Gail S

You may encounter windows installer error 1719 when you are installing a program. Installation may be ended prematurely or there may be a fatal error during the installation. Window Installer Error 1719 happens because Windows installer is unable launch the relevant source files for the setup of the application software that you are trying to install. Those files may be missing or corrupted. Normally the original MSI installation files will be cached in the ‘C:winntInstaller’ directory before installation is started. Improper caching of an MSI file is one of the main causes of the error also.

Try the following solution to fix the Windows installer error 1719.

To fix the error, you have make sure you have the latest version of InstallShield installed your computer. If not, then update it to resolve the error. If the installation is unable to locate the required files, try to use the Windows’ ‘Search’ feature to look for the files and provide the location to the installation process. You must logon as administrative before you do the installation. If you are installing over a network, please ensure that you have full access right to the network location where you are running the setup. If the Windows installer error 1719 remains, you may need to use a PC error Fixer or registry cleaner to scan your computer. You should fix those PC errors and registry problems before the installation. Be sure that choose a rated registry cleaner, it not only fix the installer error 1719, the performance of your computer can also be improved.

Flex - Flex 4 beta 2 Error Install

3 Weeks Ago

I am in the process of installing Drupal 6.15 on my localhost - using windows xp and wamp. I am getting the error below - I know this has been reported various times and I made the change below that is recommended (created the settings.php file)

I am not sure how to provide file permissions in windows xp environment - The only option that I have is to create a share on the folder, or to click on disable the read only attribute. At this point, I am not sure what to do and gettin frusturated since I have reinstalled wamp and drupal almost 5 times now, starting from the beginning.

I see alot of responses for linux os using the unix commands - but not sure if there are commands in the windows environment for setting permissions like there are in unix /. linux.

here is the message:

"The Drupal installer requires that you create a settings file as part of the installation process.

Copy the ./sites/default/default.settings.php file to ./sites/default/settings.php.

Change file permissions so that it is writable by the web server. If you are unsure how to grant file permissions, please consult the on-line handbook.

More details about installing Drupal are available in INSTALL.txt."

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